5th International Olive Oil Award IOOA – Zurich 2006 – GOLDEN OLIVE

5th International Olive Oil Award IOOA – Zurich 2006 – GOLDEN OLIVE

Name of Product:
Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Barbàra
Italy / Sicilia / DOP Valli Trapanesi

La produzione del olio extra vergine di oliva siciliano

L’azienda confeziona per la prima volta il nostro olio extravergine di oliva biologico nel 2000 iniziando con una sola linea chiamata “Barbàra DOP Valli Trapanesi”. Il DOP è una certificazione che conferma la qualità e la provenienza del prodotto. Il “Barbàra DOP Valli Trapanesi” nasce da tre tipologie di olive “Biancolilla”, “Cerasuola” e “Nocellara”, ovvero le tre varietà autoctone della zona di Trapani.

5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006 & OLIO 2006

In March 2006 we celebratetd an anniversary. The „5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006“ took place. For the fifth time, we organized and accomplished the “International Olive Oil Award – Zurich” for you. In addition to this event, on the occasion of the Gourmesse 2006 in October 2006, the consumer test „Olio 2006“ took place again.

The winning oils were determined through the objective evaluation of Olive Oils “Extra Virgin”. If you are interested in some visual impressions, you should have a look in our foto gallery. There
you can find all participating Olive Oils, as well as the winners of the Golden Olives, the Silver Olives and Awards.


In addition you can download the pdf-files of our List of all participating Olive Oils of the “5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006” and the List of Winners (see onthe right hand side).

What was going on this year ?

The registered oils took part in two events and had the “double chance” to gain an award. Both events were organized and accomplished together from the University of Applied Sciences Waedenswil (HSW) and the Edition Salz & Pfeffer.

The objective selection of sensorically excellent “extra virgin” olive oils took place in the context of the „5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006. The tastings took place in March 2005 with the HSW Sensory Panel Olive Oil of the University of Applied Sciences Waedenswil. The members of the test group are constantly trained in accordance to the regulations of the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC). Therefore the neutral and objective evaluation of the participating olive oils is ensured.

New this year was, that there was a possibility to let the Olive Oils be analyzed chemically (4 parameters) for a special package-price.

Please see further conditions of participation in the „5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006“ and the “OLIO 2006” in the enclosed regulations 2006.

OC 06
Sensorically excellent olive oils were honoured with the awards – “Golden Olive”, “Silver Olive” and “Award” on the occasion of the „5th International Olive Congress – Zurich 2006“ on March 30, 2006 at the University of Applied Sciences in Waedenswil.

Olio 06
The most accepted and prefered olive oils by consumers were honoured with the „Olio 2006“. On the occasion of the Gourmesse 2006 (October 13 – October 16, 2006) at the Kongresshaus Zurich these oils werer selected by a consumer test.

The results of both events – „5th International Olive Oil Award – Zurich 2006“ and the “Olio 2006” – were / will be published in the relevant technical literature, daily papers and as well the Internet (www.oliveoilaward.ch).

Fonte: https://wl15www277.webland.ch/

By Published On: Dicembre 15th, 2006Categories: Premi & RiconoscimentiCommenti disabilitati su 5th International Olive Oil Award IOOA – Zurich 2006 – GOLDEN OLIVETags:
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